Aug. 18 (T)
Final Registration Payment due by midnight or classes will be dropped. Last Day to Pay without Late Payment Fee (reinstatement and late payment fees will apply to schedules added back after each non-payment drop)
Aug.19 (W)
Drop Unpaid Classes (no schedule changes or payment accepted)
Reinstatement and Late Payment Fees Begin
Aug. 21 (F)
Male Residence Halls Open 9 a.m.; Cafeteria Opens noon
Aug. 22 (Sat)
Female Residence Halls Open 9 a.m.
Aug. 24 (M)
First Class Day for Fall 1 8-week term & 16-week term
Aug. 24-25 (M-Tu)
Schedule Changes 8 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Aug. 31(M)
Sept. 4 (F)
FA1 Fall 1st 8-week Tern: Official Reporting day
Campus Closes 2:45 p.m.
Sept. 7(M)
Labor Day Holiday (campus closed)
Sept. 9 (W)
F16- 16 Week (12th Class Day); Official Reporting Day
Sept. 21 (M)
F16- 16 week (20th Class Day) - Last Day for Refunds on Any and All Drops (see catalog for complete state-mandated refund policy)
Oct. 1 (Th)
Oct. 2 (F)
Fall Graduation Application Deadline
FA1 - Fall 1st 8 week Term: Last Day to Drop Class or Withdraw for Enrollment with W
Oct. 13-14 (T-W)
Final Exams for Fall 1st 8-week term
Oct 15 (Th)
Fall 1st 8 week Grades Due 10 a.m.
Oct. 19 (M)
FA2 - First Class Day for Fall 2nd 8- week term
Oct. 26 (M)
FA2 - Fall 2nd 8-week term; Official Reporting Day
Nov. 2 (M)
Spring Admissions Application Priority Date Spring Financial Aid Priority Date
Nov. 2-Dec. 2
Spring Advisement/Registration - Current Students
Nov. 9-Dec. 2
Spring Advisement/Registration - All Students
Nov. 13 (F)
FA16 - Fall 16- Week Last Day to Drop Class or Withdraw from Enrollment with W
Nov. 24 (T)
Campus Closes 4:00 p.m. (no evening classes)
Nov. 25-27 (W-F)
Nov. 30 (M)
Thanksgiving Holidays (campus closed)
FA2- Fall 2nd 8-Week Term: Last Day to Drop or Withdraw for Enrollment with W
Dec. 2 (W)
December Mini Early Registration Payment Deadline
Dec. 3 (Th)
Drop Unpaid Classes (no registration, schedule changes, or Payment accepted)
Dec. 9-10 (W-Th)
Final Exams (Exams for Friday-only classes: Dec 4; Saturday- only classes: Dec. 5)
Dec. 10 (Th)
Cafeteria Closes 6:00 p.m.
Residence Halls Close 10 p.m. (graduates may spend the night)
Dec. 11 (F)
Grades Due 10 a.m.
Campus Closes 2:45 p.m.
Graduation 5 p.m. (Virtual)