Mar 31, 2025  
2021-2022 Kilgore College Catalog 
2021-2022 Kilgore College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Aid

The College makes every effort to assist students with documented financial need in locating sources to help with their educational expenses. Financial aid is available for students who, without assistance, would not be able to go to college. The family and student are expected to assume a major responsibility for tuition, fees and living expenses. The role financial aid plays in paying a student’s higher education exists only when there is a difference between the student’s resources and the cost of education, also known as unmet need.

Students are encouraged to become familiar with the KC Financial Aid Website and Financial Aid Portal at and also at accessKC (JICS) Portal at All financial aid information concerning required documents, status of award package, payment and aid deadlines, academic progress standing, and student acknowledgement of institutional and federal regulations will be delivered through the above institutional websites.

Financial counseling is offered on an individual basis to students who complete the annual FAFSA application at Students are encouraged to call for an appointment for assistance with filing the annual FAFSA application. Various requirements for student eligibility for funding are as follows:

All general eligibility criteria for Title IV financial aid, per federal regulations

  • Application for admission to Kilgore College
  • Appropriate transcripts and documents as requested
  • Observance of stated deadlines
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress as a student in good standing or for continued aid eligibility

The following categories of funds are available for students who qualify:

  • Federal Sources of Financial Aid (TITLE IV)
    • Pell Grant
    • Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
    • William D Ford Federal Direct Loan Program
    • Federal College Work Study(FWS)
    • Veterans’ Benefits under Chapter 30, 31, 35, 1606, 1607, Tuition Assistance, My CCA and Post-9/11 GI Bill® Program
    • Veterans’ Work Study Program
  • State of Texas Financial Aid
    • Texas Grant
    • TEOG Grant
    • Texas Public Education Grant
    • Hazlewood Exemptions
    • Texas Work Study Program
  • Institutional Funds
    • Departmental/institutional scholarships
    • Kilgore College Foundation scholarships
    • Tuition Exemptions
  • Outside Agency Funds
    • Miscellaneous agency scholarships and funds

Additional information, applications, and materials are available in the Financial Aid Office located in the Devall Student Center, phone (903) 983-8211 or (903) 983-8210, or at

Financial Aid - Veteran Affairs Benefits

Attendance Policy for VA Benefit Eligible Students

Students using veterans’ benefits to attend Kilgore College will have attendance monitored until the time the student drops, graduates, or completes the program. Unsatisfactory attendance will be reported to the DVA even if the VA student has completed the required number of hours and no refund is due the student and/or refund sources. Therefore, the attendance policy (20% of the total program and/or being absent five [5] consecutive days) will apply throughout the student’s stay in school. All violations of the attendance policy will be reported to DVA on VA Form 22-1999b within 30 days at such time the student exceeds the allowed number of absences.

For clock hour programs, to prevent overpayment situations, the DVA recommends weekly certification of ACTUAL attendance on a weekly basis.

This signed form is only applicable for accredited and non-accredited non-college degree (NCD) program(s) or for non-accredited NCD program(s) offered at institutions of higher learning (IHL). The policy contained herein establishes the attendance policy for the veteran student(s) when there exists a less stringent policy or when there is no attendance policy defined in the institutions published catalog.

I have read, understand, and will comply with this policy for the veteran students certified for GI Bill benefits ®

Military Tuition Assistance Refund Procedures

Kilgore College has a published refund policy for all students that follows regulations established by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for Texas Community Colleges. That policy is published in the appropriate Registration Guide and is as follows:

Long Semester:  
Refund Percentage Class Days
100% Prior to first Class Day
70% First 15 Class Days
25% 16th through 20th class days
0% After 20th Class day

Refunds related to flex terms, including summer terms, will follow the regular refund schedule printed in the Registration Guide and will be based on number of class days in the course or term.

”GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at

For Students participating in the Military Tuition Assistance Program, refunds for withdrawals before completing 60% of the period of enrollment will be calculated based on a percentage of the calendar days completed divided by the total calendar days in the enrollment period. Students withdrawing after 60% of the semester is completed are not eligible for a refund. Once the refund amount is determined, the difference between the Tuition Assistance that was disbursed and the amount of Tuition Assistance that was earned will be returned to the appropriate military service, and not the student.

Long Semester, Course Specific Tuition Assistance Refund Schedule:

Number of days completed                               = percent earned X Tuition Assistance Paid
Total days of the period (start to end date)

Kilgore College will work with service members that stop attending due to a military service obligation in identifying solutions that will not result in a student debt for the returned portion. Military tuition assistance is awarded based on students completing the entire term for which the assistance was awarded. When a student withdraws, they may no longer be eligible for the full amount.

A student must officially drop or withdraw through the Office of Admissions and Registrar. If a student officially withdraws from a course, the date of withdrawal will be used as the last date of attendance. If a scheduled course fails to materialize, the college will return 100% of tuition and fees, with the exception of late and matriculation fees. A matriculation fee will be charged for students who enroll in courses and then completely withdraw from those courses for a particular semester.

If a student does not officially withdraw, and is determined to have never attended, or for any other unofficial withdrawal, the college will determine the last date of attendance by (1) last date of activity within a course, (2) last date a student made a contribution to the class or submitted an assignment, and/or (3) based on instructor’s determination of last date of attendance.


1966 National Champions Scholarship

36th Line Scholarship

60th Anniversary Rangerette Line Scholarship

75th Anniversary Rangerette Scholarship

Addie Mae Lloyd Scholarship

American Dance/Drill Team Rangerette Scholarship

American Gas Association Scholarship

American Staff Rangerettes Forever Scholarship

Amy Clements Culinary Arts Memorial Scholarship

Anita S. Neeley Scholarship

Anne Dean Turk Performing Arts Scholarship

Annie Lou Winton Ballard Scholarship

API Memorial Scholarship

AUCSU Corrosion Scholarship

Audy and Maxine Bassham Scholarship

Barbara Chance Ewing Shrader Left End Lt. Scholarship

Barbara Pankhurst Scholarship

Barry T. Stone Athletic Scholarship

Benjamin Jarod Yates Memorial Scholarship

Bert E. Woodruff Academic Rangerette Scholarship

Bert E. Woodruff Presidential Academic Scholarship

Betty Bird Spradlin Rangerette Scholarship

Bettye Herrington Craddock Journalism Scholarship

Beverly Skipper Showtime International Rangerettes Kick Master Scholarship

Bill and Amy Sorrell Scholarship

Billie and Charles Shertzer Scholarship

Billy and Kay Torrence Scholarship

Blake McCrary Athletic Scholarship

Blanche Woodall Memorial Scholarship

Bob Barbee Scholarship

Bob Bustin Athletic Scholarship

Bonnie and Ernest Scholarship

Brenda Jones Alexander Rangerette Scholarship

Brian and Tara Hoberecht Basketball Scholarship

Brookshire Grocery Company Scholarship

Byron “Biff” Cook Memorial Scholarship

Camp Normal Benevolent Foundation Scholarship

Carroll and Wilda Rodriquez Andrews Rangerette Scholarship

Cathy Scott Wheat Rangerette Scholarship

Charles E. and Addie Mae Lloyd Scholarship

Charles E. Long Scholarship

Charles Earnest Wallace Memorial Scholarship

Charles Hart Rangerette Scholarship

Charline H. Beane Scholarship

Chris Craddock Athletic Scholarship

Clarksville City Scholarship

Coach Clyde Lee Scholarship

Coach Jim Miller Scholarship

Coach Jimmy Parks Rangerette Scholarship

Cotton Bowl Athletic Association Scholarship

Cruce Stark Memorial Scholarship

Dana Blair Rangerette Director Scholarship

David Castles Athletic Scholarship

David Goldsmith Corrosion Scholarship

David Wylie Memorial Rangerettes Forever Scholarship

Deana Bolton Covin Rangerette Scholarship

Denard Haden Memorial Scholarship

Dennis McFadin Athletic Scholarship

Don Kruse Memorial Scholarship

Don White, Sr. Scholarship

Donald B. Leverett Scholarship

Donald Bird Spradlin Scholarship

Doris Brown Roquemore Memorial Rangerette Scholarship

Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Watkins Scholarship

Dr. B. E. Masters Memorial Rangerettes Forever Scholarship

Dr. B. E. Masters Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Brenda S. Kays Scholarship

Dr. Charles H. and JoAnn Whiteside Chemistry Scholarship

Dr. Irving J. Dreibrodt Rangerette Scholarship

Dr. J. Frank Thornton  Rangerette Scholarship

Dr. James L. and Ruby Curbo Miles Scholarship

Dr. John G. and Carol Heit Engineering Scholarship

Dr. Mike Jenkins Rangerettes Forever Scholarship

Dr. Peggy Coghlan Endowed Rangerette Academic Scholarship

Dr. Peggy J. Whalley and Cile Whalley Scott Rangerette Scholarship

Dr. Randolph C. Watson Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Randolph C. Watson Rangerette  Scholarship

Dr. S. L. Canterbury, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Stewart H. McLaurin Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Stewart H. McLaurin Rangerettes Forever Scholarship

Dr. William M. Holda Rangerette Scholarship

Dr. William M. Holda Scholarship

Dwain Crawford and Dr. Kay Crawford Nolte Rangerette Scholarship

E. P. “Pop” Christensen Memorial Scholarship

Earl and Jessye Wray Scholarship

Earl and Patsy Hollandsworth Scholarship

Eastman Process Technology Scholarship

Ed Fisher Memorial Scholarship

Eddie Shawn Basketball Scholarship

Erminie Northcutt Gaston Scholarship

Ester and Hyman Laufer Scholarship

EXCO Resources Energy Industry Scholarship

Fire Chief Johnny Bellows Scholarship

First Line Rangerette Scholarship

Forevers DFW Rangerette Scholarship

Frank J. and Wilma B. Zatopek Applied Technology Scholarship

Fredick “Junior” Taft Memorial Scholarship

Friends of Music Scholarship

G.W. “Chub” and Imogene Boyd Memorial Scholarship

Gary Harrison Scholarship

Gary Shaver Scholarship

General Scholarship

Gerard Cace Memorial Scholarship

Glenn Wells Band Scholarship

GMRC-PTAC Process Scholarship

Gregg County Sheriff’s Office/Mike Clements Scholarship

Griffin Ranch Scholarship

Gussie Nell Davis Rangerette Scholarship

Hamilton F. and Kathryn G. Beeson Scholarship

Harry Hutchins Engineering Scholarship

Harvey Lavan and Rildia Bee O’Bryan Cliburn Scholarship

Hazel Stewart Rangerettes Forever Scholarship

Helen Anglin Hutchens Communication Scholarship

Helen Bass Leonard Associate Degree Nursing Scholarship

Hershell Curtis Football Scholarship

Honored Superstars Rangerette Scholarship

Ida Riddle Nursing Scholarship

Ione Fouts and Helen Wahlgreen Rangerettes Forever Scholarship

J. Archie Whitfield Rangerettes Forever Scholarship

J. T. “Red” Russell Scholarship

J. W. Bolton, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Jack Jeter Memorial Scholarship

Jack Stallard Women’s Athletic Scholarship

Jack Ward Memorial Scholarship

James Brackston Armstrong Memorial Science Scholarship

James Brent Archer Scholarship

James E. and Ina Fay Moore, Jr. Scholarship

James E. and Jeanie L. Reynolds Memorial Scholarship

James M. Richardson Memorial Scholarship

Jamie Love Crim Memorial Rangerette Scholarship

Janet Herrington Merritt Rangerette Scholarship

Jay McDaniel Basketball Scholarship

Jean McFaddin Rangerette Scholarship

Jean Susan Davis Rangerette Scholarship

Jean Wallace Hollingsworth Memorial Rangerette Scholarship

Jeanne Branson Sturrock Rangerette Scholarship

Jeanne Hale Rangerettes Forever Scholarship

Jeanne Velde Memorial Art Scholarship

Jed Jackson Memorial Scholarship

Jeremy Cotham Sports Journalism Scholarship

Jerry and Shalia Pybas Memorial Scholarship

Jerry Hale Music Scholarship

Jesse O. Johnson, Jr. and Ellateen Johnson Memorial Scholarship

Jewel D. and Leslie L. Matthews Education Scholarship

Jim Campbell Rangerettes Forever Scholarship

Jimmy Rieves Athletic Director Scholarship

Jo Ann Brooks Peek Memorial Rangerette Scholarship

Joan Fuller Painter Rangerette Scholarship

Joan Still-Smith Rangerette Scholarship

Jocelyn Bridge Journalism Scholarship

Joe and Vi Wicki Memorial Scholarship

Joe B. and Louise P. Cook Scholarship

Joe H. and Imogene Turner Scholarship

Joe Hightower-Sharon Hendrix International Student Scholarship

John Austin Scholarship

John C. and Dianne Garrett Pope Scholarship

John Hill Scholarship

John W. Turk, Jr. AEP/SWEPCO Presidential Scholarship

Joseph M. Bruno, Sr. Scholarship

Joy Holland Coleman Left End Lieutenant Scholarship

Joyce and C. R. Pennington Rangerette Scholarship

Judy K. Klutts and Vicki Castleberry Memorial for Surgical Technology Scholarship

Judy Lyle Hale Rangerette Scholarship

Karl F. Edmonds Memorial Scholarship

Kathy Brown Rangerette Captain Scholarship

Kellyn Rozier Drayer and Gay Rozier Maney Rangerette Scholarship

Kenny Mobbs Scholarship

Kick for the Starz Scholarship

Kilgore Ceramics Scholarship

Kilgore College Employee/Retiree Memorial Scholarship

Kilgore College Rangerette Scholarship

Kilgore Fire Department/Mike Clements Scholarship

Kilgore High School Class of 1937 Scholarship

Kilgore High School Class of 1960 Scholarship

Kilgore Police Department/Mike Clements Scholarship

Kilgore Rotary Club Rangerette Scholarship

L. N. Crim Rangerettes Forever Scholarship

Laird Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship

Lance Darnell Law Enforcement Scholarship

Lane Johnson Endowed Athletics Scholarship

Latane Speer Cheerleader Scholarship

Laura Barnett Davis Assistant Director Choreographer Rangerette Scholarship

LEDCO Manufacturing Scholarship

Leon Gibson FFA Scholarship

Leon Winton Memorial Scholarship

Leta C. Parks Memorial Scholarship

Lexi Leigh Commander Memorial Scholarship

Lillian Tucker Lanier Rangerette Scholarship

Linda Lewis-Hall Happy Feet Rangerette Scholarship

Linda Tharpe Cann and Byron Bradley Cann Scholarship

Lisa Fortenberry Rangerette Scholarship

L’Louise Graham Art Scholarship

Lloyd and Nancy Nelson Scholarship

Longview News Journal/Delores Brown Journalism Scholarship

Louise Jeter Scholarship

LT Mobbs Memorial Scholarship

Lyde and Charles K. Devall Rangerette Scholarship

M. E. Sowders Scholarship

Mae Nichols Memorial Scholarship

Major  Walker Rangerettes Forever Scholarship

Manny Almanza “The Voice of Kilgore College” Scholarship

Margaret Matlock Nursing Scholarship

Margaret McNee Miller Journalism Scholarship

Marjorie McDonald Wier Rangerette Scholarship

Martha Rorschach Scholarship

Marvin Hall Band Scholarship

Mary Elizabeth (Liz) Dooley Bradshaw Rangerette Scholarship

Mary M. Mobley Scholarship

Mary Mirenda Wendt and Carldeen Denson Mirenda Rangerette Scholarship

Matthew Johnson Photo/Journalism Scholarship

Mays Kenneth Whitten Memorial Scholarship

Mazie Mathews Jamison Rangerette Scholarship

Melvin Marshall Rangerettes Forever Scholarship

Merlyn Holmes Scholarship

Michael Clements Scholarship

Michael Miller Rangerettes Forever Scholarship

Milton L. Belflower Scholarship

Missy Roach Sumpter Rangerette Scholarship

Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Barker Memorial Scholarship

Murlene Gattis “Pinky” Swingler Memorial Rangerette Scholarship

Nadine and Glenn Russell Scholarship

Nahum Tate Corrosion Technology Scholarship

Nan Logan Respess Memorial Rangerette Scholarship

Nancy Grisham Education Scholarship

Nicholas and Kathryn Zwick Rangerette Scholarship

Paige Christian Keitt Twirling Scholarship

Paula C. Jamerson Honorary Rangerettes Forever Scholarship

Pete Y. Rodriguez Memorial Scholarship

Peter James McNee, Sr. Agriculture Scholarship

Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship

Plaisance Religion Major Scholarship

Presidential Scholarship

Priscilla Abshier Sliva Rangerette Captain’s Scholarship

R. E. “Ronnie” Spradlin, III Scholarship

Rachel Abshier Rangerette Captain’s Scholarship

Ralph and Evis Hartman Memorial Scholarship

Randy Lowery Athletic Scholarship

Randy Wade Scholarship

Ratliff Family Scholarship

Revels Roundup Rangerette Scholarship

Robert and Rosalee Sprouse Excellence in Education Scholarship

Robert Franklin Memorial Scholarship

Ruby Frank Harris and Irby H. Harris Memorial Scholarship

Ruth Ray Hunt Scholarship

Ruth Ross National Honor Society Scholarship

Sabine Fire Department/Mike Clements Scholarship

Sam Ross FFA Scholarship

Samuel B. Vaughn, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Sandy Sands Athletic Scholarship

Shay Alexander Ramirez Rangerettes Forever Scholarship

Shelley Stoeck Wayne Assistant Director/Choreographer Rangerette Scholarship

Sherry Ransom Rangerettes Forever Scholarship

Shirley J. Bellus Scholarship

Sidney Broadfoot Faust Rangerette Scholarhip

Simpson Family Rangerette Scholarship

Sonny Spradlin Presidential Scholarship

Stacey Bryce Education Scholarship

Stacy Kaye Danielson Memorial Rangerette Scholarship

Stephen and Red McKellar Scholarship

Stoney Lake Scholarship

Susan George Basketball Scholarship

Sweethearts of the Gridiron Rangerette Scholarship

T. J. Plunkett Scholarship

Talyna Carlson Scholarship

Ted Kennedy, Jr. Corrosion Scholarship

Ted Rushton Memorial Scholarship

Terry George Basketball Scholarship

Terry Stembridge/Mike Clements Academic Scholarship

The Chelsea Kirkland K. C. T. Sister Scholarship

The Foldetta-Wiggins Family Rangerette Scholarship

The Rangerette Memorial Scholarship

The Rangerette Salute Scholarship

The Rangerette Story Scholarship

The VeraBank Scholarship

Thelma Dickson Memorial Scholarship

Tom and Frances (Brazelton) Dempsey Rangerette Officers Scholarship

Tom and Michael Weaver Memorial Scholarship

Tom Chinn Memorial Scholarship

Tommy and Kathy Alexander Scholarship

Toppy and Tony Goolsby Family Trust Rangerette Scholarship

Travis Martin Football Scholarship

Trey Sands Memorial Scholarship

Vicki Bowden Mobbs Memorial Twirling Scholarship

Virgie Tunks Memorial Scholarship

Virginia Bolt Long Rangerette Scholarship

W. L. Dodson Memorial Rangerette Scholarship

Wally Read Ranger Band Scholarship

William E. Gipson Agriculture Scholarship

William R. and Kate K. Smylie Scholarship

Zachary  Reynolds Memorial Scholarship



 Kilgore College Return to Title IV Policy

Kilgore College follows the federal R2T4 policy of returning funds to the appropriate programs as students withdraw during any academic period of enrollment. This policy applies to students who completely withdraw from all classes before the 60% point in the fall, spring, or summer semester.

The following steps are followed in calculating the funds owed back to the Department of Education:

  • Students who officially withdraw from school in person are directed to the financial aid office for counseling before the R2T4 calculation process is started.
  • Students who unofficially withdraw are verified to be fully withdrawn from the institution either through communication with the instructor validated by attendance records and drop slips on file with the Registrar.
  • A weekly report is generated to identify federal financial aid students who have withdrawn from all classes.
  • Calculations are processed via the federal R2T4 software program to determine the amount of federal aid earned per amounts disbursed (or not disbursed) using the percentage of days attended from the total days in the term.
  • The calculations to determine the amount of the R2T4 return are done within 5 days of the notification that the student has withdrawn from classes.
  • The amount of aid which has been earned by the student’s days of attendance is changed to show as the amount claimed by Kilgore College in the student account, and the unearned amount of aid is returned to the DOE as soon as the Origination and Disbursement Records are run on a weekly basis.
  • The unearned funds are thus returned to the DOE immediately following the R2T4 calculation in the following order:
    1. Unsubsidized Direct Loans
    2. Subsidized Direct Loans
    3. Direct Plus Loans
    4. Pell Grant
    5. SEOG Grant
  • The student is notified that due to the withdrawal, he/she now owes Kilgore College for funds that have been returned to the Dept. of Ed. On his/her behalf. The letter to the student explains the reason for the calculation, the formula used to determine the amount owed, the consequences of R2T4, and the payment address the student may use in order to repay the amount owed.
  • A hold is placed on the student’s records and is not removed until the amount owed by the student is repaid. Student may not register, request a transcript, or receive further funds from the institution.
  • If a FAFSA is received from the processing center showing an overpayment in federal funds for a transferring student, the student is notified that this must be cleared and repaid before any further funds of any kind may be awarded.
  • The overpayments of funds due to the Dept. of Education from Kilgore College are reported through COD, the Federal Common Origination and Disbursement System, and to NSLDS.
  • A final SAP report is run after the end of the semester. The R2T4 calculation is done for students who receive all F’s or W’s, and appropriate actions are taken as necessary. Instructors are contacted to determine the last date of attendance or completion of any activity from the student as related to the course of study. If there is no date available, the date used for the R2T4 is the midpoint date of the semester.
  • Funds are returned based on the findings of the SAP report in the same manner as those returned throughout each academic semester.

Financial Aid Suspension Appeal Process

Appeal Process:

  • If a student is placed on Suspension, the student can complete and submit a suspension appeal to be reviewed by an Institutional appeals committee.
  • Students who fail to meet Kilgore College’s Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress standards for two consecutive semesters will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension.
  • If the GPA or Hour completion requirement is not met, supporting documentation of a extenuating or catastrophic event that occurred during the timeframe/semester that the student failed to make Satisfactory Academic Progress, must accompany the appeal form when it is submitted to the Financial Aid Office. If not, it will be denied due to lack of documentation.
  • For students who are on suspension for Excessive Hours/Maximum timeframe, it will be the student’s responsibility to obtain a degree evaluation from the Kilgore College Counseling Center to submit with the Appeal Packet. The Appeal Form and Degree evaluation must be submitted together or the appeal will be denied.
  • If the appeal is reviewed and granted, the student will be required to make an appointment to review and agree to the terms of the Appeal Contract, prior to financial aid being awarded.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to notify the Financial Aid Office if they need to reschedule or cancel an appointment.
  • The student must strictly adhere to the terms of the Appeal Contract. In the event that the terms of the contract are inadvertently changed, the contract becomes invalid and the student will be placed back on suspension with no opportunity for another appeal.

    Examples in which the terms of the contract are inadvertently changed:
    1. The student drops or reenrolls in a class that is not a part of their degree plan.
    2. The instructor drops the student for non-attendance.
    3. The student tests out of the class, which makes it impossible for the student to complete the amount of hours necessary by the terms of the contract.
    4. The student does not attend the tutoring lab, as per the terms of their appeal contract.
    5. The student earns an F in one of the classes while under contract.
    6. The student drops a class while under contract.
    7. The student does not maintain a semester GPA of 2.0 while under contract.
    8. If there is any possibility that the terms of the appeal contract can or will change, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the Director or Assistant Director of Financial Aid immediately. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Notification must be made within the first two weeks of the enrollment semester.
  • At any time during the semester in which the appeal is granted, if the terms of the contract change without prior notification or approval by the Financial Aid Office, the student will be placed back on suspension at the end of the semester the appeal was granted. Financial Aid Appeals can only be grantee/ one time throughout the student’s enrollment at Kilgore College.
  • Once the Suspension Appeal Contract has been reviewed and signed, the student will be placed on Financial Aid Probation and the financial aid package will be awarded.

Financial Aid Probation While on Contract - During the probation semester, the student will still be eligible for financial aid, but the following must be completed by the end of that semester to continue to be eligible for financial aid the next semester. All terms agreed to in the Appeal Contract must be completed successfully, the student must have a 2.0 semester GPA, and may not have withdrawn from any classes in which the student was enrolled.

Kilgore College Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

All categories of student financial aid are measured by academic progress criteria. Federal regulations require that institutions monitor all financial aid recipients to ensure that students are maintaining a minimum standard academic achievement. Academic standards vary between federal, state, and institutional financial aid funds, but all require a minimum number of hours completed with a minimum grade point average. To continue to receive funding from the Federal Student Aid programs (Pell Grants, other Federal grants, and Federal Direct Loans), students must meet the Kilgore College Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.

Institutional scholarships, State grants, and other non-federal student aid programs have specific academic requirements for each individual program, it is the student’s responsibility to read and understand the academic and hourly requirement criteria for each award shown in the student’s financial aid award package.

  1. Grade Point Average (Qualitative) Standards
    • Students must maintain a 2.0 Financial Aid cumulative grade point average. (All college level courses combined with any remedial or COLS classes). This does not apply to scholarships. Scholarships carry specific GPA requirements.
    • Grades of A, B, C, D, F, and I will count toward the Financial Aid Cumulative GPA.
    • Grades of W and IP will not count toward the Financial Aid Cumulative GPA.
    • Grades of “IP” are considered as passing grades by Financial Aid.
    • Remedial course work will be included in the Financial Aid Cumulative GPA.
    • Academic work will be checked at the end of each semester (Fall, Spring, Summer) and will include all flex and mini semester course work.
    • Prior periods of enrollment will be evaluated for SAP prior to awarding.
  2. Course Hour Completion (Quantitative) Standards
    • Students must complete 67% of the hours enrolled in to maintain progress. This does not apply to scholarships. Scholarships maintain a specific hourly requirement.
    • The number of hours in which a student is enrolled on the official census day for each course determines the number of hours needed for completion.
    • Completion rates will be checked at the end of each semester and will include all remedial, flex and mini semester course work.
    • Grades of A, B, C, D and F are considered as completed grades, and will be included in the calculation of the number of hours completed.
    • Grades of W, I, and IP are considered attempted hours and are used for this determination.
    • Hours which transfer into Kilgore College will be counted toward the student’s completion rate.
  3. Maximum Time Frame Completion: (Pace)
    Students enrolled at Kilgore College are expected to work toward a specific degree or certificate and to complete that goal within a certain reasonable timeframe.
    • All periods of enrollment are counted toward the 150% timeframe, whether or not financial aid paid for those hours.
    • Students who enroll in courses not included in their declared major course of study or certificate program will not receive financial aid for those courses.
    • Developmental hours will not count toward the 150% completion rate.
    • Students who change their program of study may use up eligibility for federal aid prior to completion of their degree or certificate.
    • A student’s attempted credit hours cannot exceed a maximum of 150% of the hours required to complete a declared major course of study, or certificate program.
    • Once the student has reached or exceeded the 150% timeframe, he/she will be placed on suspension and no longer be eligible for financial aid.
  4. Financial Aid Warning
    • Students who do not meet the Financial Aid Cumulative GPA or hourly requirements will be placed on Financial Aid Warning. The student will be eligible to receive financial aid for the subsequent semester while on Financial Aid Warning status.
    • Students on Financial Aid Warning may be subject - but not limited to - a combination of the following institutional requirements:
      • Mandatory counseling sessions with the Financial Aid Retention Counselor
      • Tutoring logs showing time spent in The Zone or Math/English/Reading Labs
      • Limited hours of enrollment, based on student’s ability to be successful
      • No access to online registration
      • No access to self-registration
      • Specialized academic plan, with emphasis on re-evaluated degree/certificate plan
      • Signed contract with Retention Counselor
      • Suggested limit of hours of employment
      • Repeat of classes with failing academic grades
      • Any additional requirements deemed necessary for academic completion and student success
  5. Financial Aid Suspension
    • Students who do not meet the Financial Aid Cumulative GPA or Hourly Requirements while on Financial Aid Warning status will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension. While on Suspension, a student is no longer eligible to receive federal financial aid.
    • To reestablish financial aid eligibility, a student must enroll in sufficient hours to raise their cumulative
    • GPA and completion rate to the minimum standards of the Satisfactory Academic Policy. This may be done with personal funds or other funding provided by the student. After completion, he/she must bring this to the attention of the financial aid office in order to be re-evaluated for federal aid eligibility.
    • Students on suspension must also submit an appeal form requesting that eligibility be reinstated.
  6. Financial Aid Suspension Appeals
    • Students wishing to appeal their suspension status must complete and submit the following documents:
      • Financial Aid Suspension Appeal Form and Personalized Academic Worksheet
      • Official Degree Audit
      • Typed statement of explanation for the reason of the appeal
      • Unofficial Kilgore College Transcript
      • Official documentation of events which prevented academic progress during the semester in which the suspension occurred.
    • Appeals may be considered by an Appeals Committee, composed of a Student Affairs Staff Member, an Academic Advisor, and a faculty member.
    • Appeals that are granted will require an appointment with the Director of Financial Aid or Designee to create a Suspension Success Plan Contract, signed by both the Director and the student.
    • Students whose appeals are granted will be considered to be on Financial Aid Probation.
    • The Appeal Success Plan may likely be composed of the same institutional requirements as those described under the Financial Aid Warning (Item #4) plan.
    • Students must strictly follow the terms of the Appeal Success Plan. If changes are requested, the Director of Financial Aid or Designee must be consulted prior to the change, or the Plan becomes invalid and the student returns to financial aid suspension.

      Examples in which the terms of the contract are inadvertently changed:
      • The student drops or enrolls in a class that is not a part of their degree plan.
      • The instructor drops the student for non-attendance.
      • The student tests out of the class, the class is then dropped.
      • The student does not attend the tutoring lab, as per the terms of their appeal contract.
      • The student withdraws from a class.
  7. Financial Aid Suspension Appeals Due to Excessive Hours
    • Students may find themselves on suspension due to exceeding the 150% timeframe regulation.
    • Students who exceed the 150% limit will be able to submit an Excessive Hour Appeal.
    • Those students will need to submit a degree audit, showing a limited amount of hours needed to complete a specific program of study.
    • They will be required to sign an Excessive Hour Contract, which will limit the enrollment to program specific hours, and aid that will pay only for those hours.
    • Students must have any enrollment change to the Excessive Hour contract approved by the Director of Financial Aid or designee.
  8. Financial Aid Suspension Appeals Due to Excessive Hours
    • Students may find themselves on suspension due to exceeding the 150% timeframe regulation.
    • Students who exceed the 150% limit will be able to submit an Excessive Hour Appeal.
    • Those students will need to submit a degree audit, showing a limited amount of hours needed to complete a specific program of study.
    • They will be required to sign an Excessive Hour Contract, which will limit the enrollment to program specific hours, and aid that will pay for those hours.
    • Students must have any enrollment change to the Excessive Hour contract approved by the Retention Counselor.
  9. Financial Aid Eligibility and Developmental Hour Limits
    • Students may receive federal aid for a maximum of 30 developmental hours attempted at Kilgore College. After the 30 hour limit has been exceeded, any further developmental hour requirement will not be paid by federal student aid.
    • Example: If a student has exceeded the 30 hour limit and enrolls for 12 hours during the semester, for which 9 hours are regular credit hours needed for degree, and 3 hours are a developmental class. Financial aid will pay the eligible amount of 9 hours, but not the total of 12 hours.
  10. Transfer Students
    • Students with no history at KC will be assumed to be making satisfactory academic progress at the time they transfer into Kilgore College.
    • Hours that transfer into the major course of study will be counted toward the 150% timeframe eligibility regulation, along with any hours of enrollment at Kilgore College.
    • Transferring students need to be aware that the federal regulations concerning the Pell LEU and Loan Aggregate Limits still apply to any award package at KC.
    • lf the college transcript(s) are not on file with the KC Registrar’s Office, the student will be considered as a first year student for loan purposes.
    • Hours that are accepted and transferred into Kilgore College will be counted in the completion rate.
  11. Miscellaneous Information
    • Financial aid funds will pay to repeat a class if the student originally received a grade of F, I or W, or if the program requires a grade of C or higher. Once the student receives a passing grade, but desires to repeat the course, he will need to pay with personal funds.
    • Federal student aid will also pay the Excessive Developmental Charge for developmental courses as needed, but only up to the 30 hour developmental limit.
  12. Scholarships and Academic Progress
    • Most scholarship and non-federal aid funds carry specific academic and enrollment requirements for renewed funding to a student account.
    • Students receiving institutional, departmental, or state funds should check with the Scholarship Coordinator in regard to Letters of Agreement, showing the terms of scholarship eligibility.
    • Scholarship eligibility is evaluated at the end of each long semester (Fall, Spring, Summer), after which students who have lost eligibility will receive a notification advising of this status.
    • Scholarships do not have a Warning or Probation Status - (similar to federal student aid funds). Students who do not achieve the academic or enrollment criteria for renewal will not be awarded those funds for the subsequent semester (even if the Letter of Agreement shows the scholarship is awarded for one academic year.)
    • Certain scholarships which are considered to be “performance based” will carry different terms for renewal.